Saturday, November 8, 2014

Notes from Ideas Book - Phase 5 Enacting Ideas

Notes from "Ideas book"

Fifth and last phase is "Enacting Ideas", Below are few inputs on preparation

Notes from Ideas book - Phase 4 Judging the ideas

Notes from "Ideas book"

Fourth phase is "Judging the Ideas", Below are few inputs on preparation

Notes from Ideas Book - Phase 3 Developing and Understanding Ideas

Notes from "Ideas book"

Third phase is "Developing and Understanding", Below are few inputs on preparation

Notes from Ideas book - Phase 2 Generating Ideas

Notes from "Ideas book"

Second phase is "Generating Ideas", Below are few inputs on preparation

Notes from Ideas Book - Phase 1 Preparing for Idea generation

Notes from "Ideas book"

First phase is "Preparing for Idea Generation", Below are few inputs on preparation