Monday, July 28, 2014

Sources of Variation

Sources of variation can be categorized into two major categories. These are called common cause variation and special cause variation.
Common Cause Variation:
·        Present all the times in the process
·        Individually will have a minor effect
·        Collectively the variation can be added up leading to significant effect
Special Cause Variation:
·        Not always present in the process
·        Appear sporadically
·        Come from outside the process
·        Can have large or small affect on variation but typically have major impact

Strategy to address special cause:
·        Gather the data real time to signal the special causes quickly
·        Take immediate actions to reduce the damage
·        Investigate for the cause – Understand what is different
·        Plan for a long term solution
Strategies to address the common causes involves
·        Stratify – Identify the patterns in the way the data is clustered or do not clustered
·        Experiment – Make planned changes and learn from the effect
·        Disaggregate – Break the processes into small pieces and manage the pieces effectively

7 Step method of process improvement:
1.      Purpose
·         What are we trying to do?
·        What problem/gap is being addressed?
·        What is the impact?
·        What are the other reasons to fix this gap?
·        How to know things are better once improved?
·        What is your plan for this project?
2.      Current Situation
·        What is the history?
·        What are the symptoms of the problem?
·        Where do they appear?
·        What happens when the problem occurs?
·        Who is involved?
·        Can we draw the flowchart to depict the process?
3.      Cause Analysis
·        What are the causes for the symptoms?
·        Which can be verified using data?
·        What are the potential root causes?
4.      Solutions
·        What actions will address the root causes?
·        What criteria can be used to compare the solutions?
·        What are the pros and cons of each solution?
·        Which is the best? Which one will be selected?
·        How to test in a small scale? How to verify with data?
·        Which solution proved to be more effective?
·        What are the plans for full scale implementation?
5.      Results
·        How will the results meet the targets?
·        How well the plan executed?
·        How the results can be sustained in future?
6.      Standardization
·        What is the new standard method?
·        How will the users be trained?
·        What is in place to ensure the results are maintained?
·        How the results will be monitored?
·        What means are in place to foster ongoing improvements?
7.      Future plans
·        What is not addressed by this project?
·        What are the recommendations?
·        What is being learned from the project?
·        How the documentation will be finished?
·        What is the exit criterion to close the project?
·        Did we meet the exit criteria?

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