Monday, August 4, 2014

Six Sigma - Project Charter

Project Charter is the first deliverable in the entire six sigma project journey and is part of the Define phase. This contains the information about the problem/ opportunity to the objective and timelines. There are many templates available in the industry on the project charter. Whatever is the template below contents are necessary to be part of the project charter.

Main components of the “project charter” includes
·        Problem Statement – context of the process to which the problem/opportunity associated, Intensity of the problem, what should be the impact if not addressed.
·        Business Case – contains the business context of the problem, impact, need and urgency.
·        Scope – Boundary and interfaces of the problem/opportunity
·        Purpose – What is that being achieved at the end of this project
·        Objective (CTQ) – Critical to Quality parameters being measured, baseline and improved.
·        Team composition – Team and their roles
·        Benefits – Benefits achieved at the end of the project, benefits could be Hard/Soft.
·        Timelines – Major phases and their scheduled completion dates

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