Saturday, June 7, 2014

Intro to Measurement System Analysis

Measurement System Analysis

Measurements are used to guide decisions, more error in the measurements, more error in the decisions based on those.

        Purpose of Measurement System Analysis is to
       Qualify a measurement system for use
       Quantifying its accuracy, precision, and stability

        Factors that are affecting measurement system includes
       Equipment – Measuring instrument, fixtures etc.,
       People – Operators, training, skill etc.,
       Process – Method, specification
       Samples – Sampling plan, sample selection
       Environment – temperature, humidity

Variation in the process can be of two reasons
·        True Process Variation
·        Variation Due To Measurement
o   Bias - Difference between average of measurements and an agreed upon standard
§  Accuracy - Closeness between the average value to its actual value
§  Linearity - Difference in accuracy across expected range of measurement system
§  Stability - consistency of measurement system over a period of time

o   Precision - Variation in the measures when the same part is measured repeatedly
§  Repeatability - Measures the inherent variation in the instrument
§  Reproducibility – Measures the variation due to measurement system

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