Friday, June 6, 2014

Lead Without Title (LWT) - Book Notes

This article is created from the understanding/learnings from the book named “The Leader Who Had No Title” by Robin Sharma. This note presents the learning from the book in the way that I understood while reading this book.

·    Lead without title (LWT) – to achieve this need to follow five rules represented in acronym called IMAGE

·        IMAGE
o   I – Innovation
o   M- Mastery
o   A – Authenticity
o   G – Guts
o   E – Ethics

·        I – Innovation
o   Making this day better than yesterday
o   Great careers and great businesses are built by evolution and not by revolution. Slow and steady improvements that don’t look great in isolation becomes evolutionary over time with massive gains.
o   Daily ripples of superior performance add up over time to a tidal wave of outrageous success.
o   This can be done by anyone no matter what their career/lives
o   Dream big yet start small and start now
o   Small steps over time generate big results and at the same time the failures in case any do not lead to disaster.
o   Like adding small amounts in bank from the childhood would give significant returns in the young age by the magic of compounding
·        M – Mastery
o   Committing yourself to mastery at what you do – whether your craft is selling staplers or educating children
o   Be so good that people cannot ignore you – by comedian Steve Martin
o   People said a structure i.e., Washington Monument this visionary could not be built. But the architect Robert Mills got the job done no matter what.
o   “Nothing less than my very best” that’s what mastery
o   Expect more from yourself than anyone around you could ever expect from you
o   Our goal here, each and every day, is to be the best in the world at my craft and that’s how we continually move closer toward mastery.
o   Every world-class expert has invested approximately 10000 hours (i.e., approx. 10 years) polishing their skills – from the Harvard Business Review article  ‘The Making of an Expert’
o   Beginning is hard – Space shuttle uses more fuel during its first three minutes after liftoff than during its entire voyage around the earth.
o   A practical tool to use is ‘The Daily 5’ – Doing 5 little yet important focused acts every day to get you closer to your most important goals
·        A – Authenticity
o   In this radically new period of business, your ability to have an impact and make a contribution comes more from who you are as a person than from the authority you receive by your placement on some org chart
o   Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind – by Dr.Seuss
o   Don’t lose yourself on the way to top – by Jack Welch
o   There will never be a better than you – by Warren Buffett
o   Being authentic isn’t just being trustworthy, staying true to your mission and values, and speaking honestly. It’s clear that you are also saying that being authentic means realizing all my potential and really getting to know all that genius you said was inside me.
o   When you give yourself permission to be open, real and brilliant around others, you give others permission to be open, real, and brilliant around you.
o   Authenticity about being true to who you are , even when everyone around you wants you to be someone else – by basketball great Michael Jordan in the book “Driven from Within”
o   Rather than defining their success by what they get, Leaders define their success by what they give
·        Guts
o   To have guts to see the opportunities where others see challenges and to envision things becoming a whole lot better while others grow complacent it to become a visionary
o   Criticism is the defense reaction that scared people use to protect themselves against change
·        Ethics
o   You will never go wrong in doing what’s right.
o   Leadership success lies at the intersection where excellence meets honor
o   How well you make your sheets determine how well you’ll sleep in your bed

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