Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lean Tools - Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

        Value stream mapping is used to identify the value added / Non value added tasks in a process
        Value is defined with respect to the end user only
        Special type of flow chart with additional symbols to represent the waste/ flow / information
        Overall objective of VSM analysis to reduce the contribution of non-value added activities in the process from the customer point of view
        Identify the team and the process to be studied for the VSM
        Define the process workflow (As is process map) using the predefined symbols used in VSM
        Calculate the takt time, work time and lead time  (i.e., lead time includes work time + delay)
        Classify / identify the non-value adds i.e., waste in the process
        Define the future value stream map (to be process map)
        Identify the actions necessary to remove/reduce the waste towards future VSM
        Value should be always categorized from the end user/ customer point of view only
        Identify even a small step that can be done while defining the as is process

Example: Below workflow shows the common process followed for resolving a ticket from the issue reported to issue resolved. Even though this process at high level is same but for a few types of issues the end to end cycle time is high. 

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