Monday, June 23, 2014

Lean – Tool Box

Below list contains the list of tools used in Lean

·      Value Stream Maps (VSM)
o   Visually map the flow of production
o   Current and future state of processes highlighting opportunities of improvement.
o   Exposes waste in the current processes and provides a roadmap for future state
o   categorizes activities into three segments: value enabling, value adding and non-value adding
o   Value enabling activities, however, cannot be totally eliminated from a system
o   focus of this tool is on identifying and eliminating the non-value added activities in each process step

·        Takt time
o   Takt time is the rate at which a completed project needs to be finished in order to meet customer demand
o   This is the "heartbeat" of the customer
o   Takt = T/D    
§  Where T is Time available for product/service.
§  D is a demand for the number of units
§  T gives information on production pace or units per hours

·        5S
o   Used to organize the work area and eliminates the waste that results from poorly organized work area.
§  Sort – Eliminate that items that are needed
§  Set in order – Organize the items that are needed
§  Shine – clean the items
§  Standardize – defined standard operating procedures
§  Sustain – Regular compliance and improvement with respect to standards

·        Pull / Kanban
o   Regulating the flow of goods using the signal cards as needed
o   Eliminates inventory and overproduction

·        Spaghetti chart
o   Graphical technique used mostly in lean manufacturing
o   Used to display the actual flow/layout/material/machines and distances in a work process
o   Poorly laid out process work area that looks like a mass of cooked spaghetti
o   Used to track work item flow, material flow and people flow

·        Poka – Yoke
o   Design the process to detect, fix and prevent the defects as and when it happens
o   Cost of fixing the defects increases exponentially as the work progresses and the defects found in later stages than where they got injected
o   Also called mistake proofing

·        SMED Single Minute Exchange of Die
o   Reduces the time to Set up
o   Converting the setup steps to external and simplifying the internal steps
o   Eliminating non-essential steps and standardizing the work instructions

·        Total Productive Maintenance
o   A holistic approach focuses on proactive and preventative
o   Empowering operators to help maintain their equipment.
o   Shared responsibility for equipment by plant floor workers

·        Heijunka
o   Production scheduling that purposely manufactures in much smaller batches
o   System of production designed to provide a more even and consistent flow of work
o   Reduces lead times and inventory

·        Gemba
o   It’s a philosophy that encourages to go to the work area and observe for any opportunities than sitting in the closed cabins
o   Promotes fist hand observations from the floor employees

·        Hoshin Kanri
o   Align strategy (Top management) to tactics (middle management) to Actions (employees)
o   Continuity towards goals by eliminating poor communication & improper direction

·        Jidoka
o   Design the equipment’s to automate some part of the manufacturing process i.e. partial automation is less costlier than full automation
o   Mainly focus on avoiding/detecting and fixing defects quickly

·        Just in time (JIT)
o   Pull the parts based on the customer demand instead of pushing the parts based on the projections
o   Reduced the inventory levels and reduces the space requirements

·        Kaizen
o   Regular and incremental improvements

o   Participation from all the employees

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