Monday, June 30, 2014

Six Sigma – Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Introduction: Beneath every problem there is an underlying cause but we need to identify the root cause to prevent the recurrence. Many times the actions taken to address the issue reoccur again in the same place or in a different place. This symptom indicates that the root cause is not been identified/addressed. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a structured approach for identifying and eliminating the underlying root causes. It may not be feasible or necessary to conduct RCA for all the issues as it involves time and effort. RCA is an analytical tool to perform a comprehensive, system-based review of critical incidents. Primary objectives of RCA includes
·        The primary aim is to identify the root cause(s) and prevent that problem from ever recurring
·        Systematic way of approaching and resolving the problem
·        Prevent the recurrence at lowest cost in the simplest way

  1. Define the problem
  2. Gather the information
  3. Plan for Root Cause Analysis
  4. Conduct RCA
  5. Develop the solutions and action plans
  6. Manage the Action items

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